

Psychological Horrors work by interacting with the perceptive part of your brain.

So it is invalid to say that fear is irrational.

Classic Atheistic Response

They claim that they are too depressed dealing with the problems in their life to deal with horrors beyond their imagination. And secondly, they claim that "horrors beyond their imaginations" are too "beyond their imagination" for it to matter to them.

If you think that the problems in life trump cosmic horrors, that's only because you are saturated with them. The real point is that problems do not go away if you are free of those same problems. Though people free of the problems you personally face seem free of any problems, that's only an illusion.

One may ask, whether all the rich people are facing "cosmic horrors" every day of their life. I would say that most rich people believe in God, and that solves their problems. For many others like Elon Musk, they deal with cosmic horrors, and for atheist capitalists, they deal with the problem of anti-rich people attacks. Both the rich and poor atheists deal with their worldly problems, and their only solution to peace would be to apply knowledge, and then one can transcend to cosmic horrors.

Existential dread can only be solved by total nihilism with spite to keep them living, or by the knowledge of there being a intelligent cause behind your existence, which deal with justly with any unexpected attacks.

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